
Click here to see the club calendar
Palm Cove Visit November 18th - 19th 2023
The Palm Cove Petanque club will be paying a visit the weekend of November 18/19th. There are around 20 players expected. Keep the Saturday afternoon and evening free in your Agenda. We'll be playing and having a BBQ. More info soon on Facebook and in your inbox!
Boxing Day Club Doubles December 26 2022
For the second year running we will have a club doubles tournament on Boxing Day!
- Start time 12.00. You need to be there by 11.30
- Format: Doubles
- Timed Games (50 mins) + 1 end
- You can enter as team or a single player(and we'll (try and) find you a partner)
- Minimum of 3 games, maximum 5
- Pre-registration by December 24th